
1968 Foundation

The company Dr. Wiesner Steuerungstechnik was founded in 1968 by Dr. Helmut Wiesner. Initially, we designed, developed and built pneumatic control devices and sold pneumatic and hydraulic components.

Soon our customers came from different areas of the processing industries and learned to value our careful and individual support.

New product focus

In 1978 the company was transformed into a GmbH (limited liability company). Since then the emphasis of our work has been test engineering.

At first, test devices for fluid characteristics such as pressure, flow or leakage were developed with the test medium being air, water, oil, brake fluid or any other fluid. Later on multi-functional test devices were added that could check electrical characteristics such as voltage, current consumption, power or insulation strength, or mechanical characteristics such as forces, torques, lengths, angles or speeds.

Extension of product range

Test stand for oil burner pumps (1980)

The next phase in the evolution of the company started in the early eighties when our customers began to ask more and more for fastening and sealing devices, complete test stations and partially or fully automated testing machines.

A number of remarkable and highly effective developments have been realized by us since that time. These devices have been working for years to the full satisfaction of their users.

Statistical evaluation

Force/distance measuring for pneumatic cylinders (1986)

Since around 1988, the documentation and post-processing of the measured values, their statistic evaluation and individual part marking makes up an ever larger part of our work. Therefore, it became necessary to solve not only complex but also comparably simple test tasks with the help of computers.


Preparations for DIN EN ISO 9001 compliance were already taken very seriously early on. Many years before the introduction of this norm, calibration standards, adjustment tools and maintenance contracts were provided for the delivered test devices.

Besides a succession of generations in the company management, the 1990s were characterized by intensified customer relations in pre sales and after sales service, the standardization of our leakage test systems, the development of a world-wide unique laser-based leakage testing method, a significant enlargement of our customer base, and the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 in 2000.


The beginning of the 21st century showed us the importance of unlimited ways of thinking in an ecological and economical way. We took up the challenge and now we are able to come up to our international clients' demands more than ever.


January 1st, 2018 was the date of our 50 years celebration. A half-century grown from the one-man shop to a global active company, always with the highest quality standard and the greatest innovative ambitions.

Unfortunately our company's founder, Dr. Helmut Wiesner, was not able to celebrate with us. He died in the age of 85 years at April 21st, 2015.

Mask Testing Systems

The strongly increased need of face masks in the world caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020 was the reason for us to use our existing know-how in fluidic measurement to develop test devices for breathing resistance and respiratory activity of face masks. The great success with these systems supports us to offer more products in the field of medical protective masks. Meanwhile we provide turnkey solutions for lab equipment of filtering half masks.

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