
Since the area of fluid measuring and test engineering and especially leakage testing requires complex knowledge and extensive experience, consulting tranks first in our customer relationships. Already during the product design phase, a team of experienced engineers assists our customers with their sound knowledge in all areas of fluid measuring and test engineering. Thus, even while designing the component to be tested later on, test-specific characteristics can be taken into account to guarantee optimal testability. Also, the testing method to be used can be discussed to allow for early investment planning.

Our comprehensive delivery program covers almost all possibilities of fluid measuring and test engineering, especially leakage testing. You can choose from a variety of methods ranging from the air-under-water method to highly sensitive gas detection methods. Counseling our customers plays therefore an important role for a purchase decision.

After delivery of our products, our customers have a fixed contact person answering all questions with regard to further application areas of our testing systems or problem solving.

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